
DAMON STEWART lives in New York’s Capital Region. He has published short stories in several literary journals as well as travel and outdoor articles for national and regional magazines and newspapers. He is the author of Interesting Tales of Other People's Woe, a short story collection published in 2014.

His dark comedy "Cabin Pressure" was first performed on Oct. 14 & 21, 2017 in Albany, N.Y., directed by Karen Christina Jones of the Callaloo Theater Company.

In 2007, he wrote and co-produced a pilot for a reality series, “The List.” In 2009, he wrote, produced and starred in a short film, "Shot Through The Heart." His screenplay, Termini Station, was a finalist in the Fall 2011 Buffalo-Niagara Screenplay Competition.

He is seeking publication for a recently completed novel. Visit his Amazon Author Page.